"Yes" is a three letter word but it's not easy to say it. I know saying yes means the world to many.Though, it is difficult to decide whether to go ahead and affirm with the lovable word or to put a full stop with a infamous No. Delivering this positive letter often makes things possible and allows you to delve into the ocean of knowledge. Have you ever thought about the moments when you could have said a Yes and things would have changed like anything? So,rather than regretting for all happened why not we start saying Yes and solve our muddles.
The word No is simple and influential to stop at once. We starve to do what we wish to. So,next time when your mind says No then,think for a while and let your heart point out the your will to say Yes . Say it aloud because your one nodding Yes can change your life. Afcourse, saying Yes is more fun than a No so go for it!
Goddess Durga has all in her name, be it strength, the power to conjure or to fight for the truth. "Durga" means invincible that is too powerful to reach . Every Venus descendant has a Durga in her. She has that cosmic energy like Devi to conquer all the difficulties and overcome all the tasks offered. Though, She ( Venus ) is a fragile creation of the universe but she has the command to balance accordingly. Durga is fearless so is Venus . It is said when earth was under the black shadow of the terrible creatures headed by Mahisasur then, Devi came as a Savior for all. Correspondingly, we have the power to fight back for the ill happenings around us and with us. It's just that we need to realise and bringout the powerful Shakti to release ourselves from the bondage of Evil . If we succeed to open the eyes of the Aadi Shakti in us, that day our society will never have the words such as rape , suicide , dowry , abuse , domestic violence ,etc. Let us remove...
good one shweta.